Page-6: Gods of system & Religion of Pharon
a country where Islam is practiced by majority, growing up I saw a lot of
values and respect for others and care, Islam being my family's religion I may
not have been taught with reasoning and understanding but living openly and
independent, life itself becomes a teacher.
I always asked why...when my elders
gave answers that were accepted in name of religion and you do not question
faith then un-answered question remain within and as life passes you live and
While growing up, when came the month
of holy month of Ramadan, we use to fast, watching TV wasn't allowed, music was
off limits, food restaurants were closed till evening as if everyone was
fasting and you would restrain self from any bad deed in respect of holy month,
and I was told that in this month Satan was restrained.
Then I went abroad and came the month
of Ramadan, and I saw drunk people walking on streets, bars were open and naked
women were dancing, people were living same as every other day...and if Satan
was tied up and these people had nothing to do then they should be walking like
zombies… did fasting only tied Satan for practicing Muslims?
I started to ask why within my
if Satan was tied then how come these
people were able to do these acts?
if Satan was tied then how could you
drink alcohol and do drugs and dance naked being satanic
acts.. and questions of why, why, why
etc.. etc...
The answer came in light many years
in Holy month of Ramadhan when we
we don’t smoke, tobacco from sunrise
to sunset during fasting no sexual intercourse, seminal emission (masturbation)
do not look towards bad,
do not speak behind people's back,
do not swear or talk filth, or hurt
some one's feeling by insults,
do not eat or drink from sunrise to
we try to help poor and do all the
good deeds that we can to please our Creator...
In all senses from eyes being
visionary, to touch, to tongue for tasting and talking, and we pray.
we do a intent promise at dawn and
fast starts and then upon completion we break fast
with a thanks to Creator for giving
the will and strength.
Now in all these things a person can
do anything by restraining self...
a person finds out that i can live
without food or drinking whole day,
can survive without talking bad or
against anyone,
can survive without having a
can survive without seeing a movie or
watching a drama,
can survive without music,
in other words Satan is within us and
by fasting we learn to control and balance.
is word for control.. And control of
desires is what gives human power over anything .
For instance if you wanted to go and
eat at this fancy restaurant and it would cost you
maybe five thousands rupees which is
equal to fifty dollars.
You think to self that I can eat
something regular for two hundred and spend rest
of forty eight hundred to feed some
poor or even for self, save it for something else..
after all the taste is only as far as
my taste buds on tongue are and after that both just
fill the stomach...that point is
where your desire and your ability to sense between reasoning comes in..
and if you recall fasting... you can
easily beat desire...
same way you need clothes and you
walk in a branded store and see a shirt that is marked
three thousand rupees and you want
that shirt because it will looks so good on you...
but you walk out of that store and go
and buy a non-branded similar color shirt for only
five to six hundred and your purpose
to cover your body is fulfilled but you controlled
your desire....I am not saying that
compromise should be on quality but sense should be used for better
decision, and that strength is by
A person spending 50, 60 lakhs (50 to
60 thousand Dollars) for a car to have five people sitting
in comfort and another spends ten to
twelve lakh (10 to 12 thousand Dollars) to have five people
sitting in comfort to travel from
point A to B...both leave from same point to arrive at next point and expensive
car has spent more in wear and tear than other while may be also in fuel.
The decision is not to make about
which car you drive but mathematically gain and loss, and
spending smartly and help fellow human,
follows being human.
but now a days society prefers the one who is selfish.....To be Continued......
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