Friday, February 20, 2015

Page 8: Gods of System & Religion of Pharaoh

Page 8: Gods of System & Religion of Pharaoh

So come to think of it that a nation that is free but never truly free,
if that is the case of biggest democracy in world then you can think yourself the conditions
of rest of the world.
what was the pharaoh?  
a self-claimed god?
let’s run through our lives and see the difference...
we are born under national debts.
we are brought up paying taxes and we pay taxes as we go forward in life.
if you break down and try to look into details then you will find that major part of your income is for taxes and rest petty change is for yourself...
bread you buy, the flour used in it the electricity or fuel used to make it, the people's salaries tax who worked on making that bread then patrol or diesel which got used to transport that bread from one place to another, that vehicle that was used for transport was taxed when bought and since then yearly taxed and store that held it space had taxes, the electricity that is being used in that store..... so one piece of bread has friction of taxes of everything adding up to be major cost of that bread.
same goes for everything else.
the system of taxes is so well knitted that it has come to point where it seems like our breaths are even taxed. and system is no different than of pharaoh's.
on top there is this face of pharaoh called president then there are ministers under him that are running around looking for new ways to tax the slaves then there are nobles who come up with ideas to invade this country and loot or work on plan and attack this country and make profits, create balloons of investment and when there is enough under that balloon then inflate it and take all the profit leaving small investors dusting there hand with losses and then there are armies and soldiers to work up those noble plans and that is for other countries and then there are local slaves ,businessman, craftsmen, labourer, workers all are controlled with internal forces..
to pay taxes ... to stay with in lines of their sphere.
our parents have responsibility for bringing us up but if we make mistakes they do not have authority over us.
if we make mistake which break law then minor gets parents in trouble too but parents cannot discipline us,
if parents put us in room and lock the door and do not let us out for something that we keep doing over and over then we can report them but if there is something that is against the law then system has authority to put us in jail for life even on three times same thing.

lawmakers carefully draw thin lines that can divide people into difference of opinion and let them engage in disagreement and reap the benefits. There are law makers then there are law enforcers who will impose that law no matter how stupid it may be..
taxes are imposed with new things and different ways....
alone everyone feels pain but always suffering instead of uniting.
if a man works all life and pays taxes on every step of life then one day should be achievement of freedom but that doesn't happen as if he paid a house off in twenty five years from loan then he did pay taxes on that house for twenty five years but after owning it and spending whole life working and paying taxes if he retires and somehow becomes unable to pay taxes on the house... guess how long will it take for him to lose that house?
not to some robbers ,not to some business , not to some friend's deception but system created tax collection....?

have you wondered that cow eats grass and gives milk...
no matter how many centuries have passed not till the day once a cow has turn her head back and said from tomorrow raise milk price by 10 % or I won’t give milk... then how come it keeps getting expensive?

trees grow themselves, fruits , grains all... 
with technology increasing and access being easy why things are getting more expensive??? and human value getting cheaper???
where is that well that is eating up all this?

world is one but countries are over two hundred, countries are couple hundred but languages are over hundred in few countries out of those 200  countries, then clothing and religions, politics, colors....sectors and etc etc...walls after walls stopping from unity of humanity.
if you follow a political leader he talks about how he will cut expenses and how will he make new range of taxes which will effect rich or how this is a necessity so the nation will have to sacrifice???
and to people who follow him he is right no matter what he does now..
some other leader will find flaws in that leader and convince you to follow him and some will follow him...and now he can do anything...
so these two have divided certain amount of people based on what they will do and now they are leaders...
lead them into what??
more new ways of tax slavery?
a system which is totally based on taxes and not self-sufficient and dependent on stripping every one's skin isn't what can ever set any one free... because it is slave of it's own rules.

with a vision looking at bigger picture... world is part of universe and there are no walls but these unseen walls and deviation is necessity for rulers not for people. 
i have sat with Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Jews, Muslims and ate together and lived and all were same...on other hand i have seen videos of these animals act of human looking subjects killing innocent human... Christians killing ...Muslims killing ...Hindu killing .... Jews killing .... i think who killed has no humanity so i do not believe that they had any religion then the ones who gets killed ... have you ever seen the bodies of dead??? they are just dead human...
i doubt that any of these killers understand the meaning of word human...
i have had friends from all over the world and
their faith had nothing to do with me as the saying goes what you eat only effects you human we were all same and every type of person with different faith had good and bad of people...

To me clothing is to cover body and what others think is their own thoughts. Covering body is part of privacy.
i have seen people trying to differentiate people by their clothing.
in actuality clothing is part of culture or fashion cult not any religion.
i have seen Hindu wearing Arabic clothing who had been living in United Arab Emirates,
Muslim girls wearing nothing but a bikini in United States, Christian women wearing hijab and 
wearing a shalwar kameez in Pakistan not because of being forced but by their own choice and culture, Sikh with shaven head and beard in Canada... 

Before anything you have to be human...

we have to realize own life, even if you had no religion, you would want to live your life with freedom without a tag or property of government which only exists to pay for system.
life is empty vase with life of desires to keep everyone captured..
if really there is a dream then what is that dream?
the way life is being changed, whoever is trying to control is the one who is culprit to destroy all moral values of world.

lets say if you had 100 years of life..
that would be 36500 days +- 
and if before you start these 36500 days, you are taken to an area and shown 36500 women or men according to your want one for each day of your life.. then 36500 set of clothing, shoes and all necessities to change into new one every day,36500 dishes to have one each day of your life and finally a castle with 36500 rooms to sleep in new room every day for rest of your life..

if you get all this then if you saw and were told that don't look up this man/woman who is about to pass you because it is most beautiful but not in your list...
you will desire him/her...
if on your table of food every time there was a dish present beside your own dish out of those 36500 and you were told not to touch that as that is not included in your list ...
guess what???

you will want to just taste it..!

same with castle that if you were going down the road and there was this castle different than yours you will definitely find something which is not in your castle leaving you with desire.....

else if you could ignore your desire then the one who jails you becomes the you accept that you are going to spend your life in this ten feet by 5 feet room... and you will be provided with same food and same color clothing as everyone else..
then you accepted your life and your inner starts waking up.. your desires end but of freedom...
now after you accepting it you start living it...
but the one who has captured you and kept you becomes jailed because he/she has duty to make sure about all your needs to be met..
he/she has to stay on guard that only desire you have is freedom now and that is what keeps that jailer tied to duty of guard.

now come to realizing that food we eat tastes good or bad only till your tongue's taste buds are...then down it goes..
clothing is to cover your body and whatever does this job completely and properly is your cover...
living in a small house is allot better than a bigger house as if there is a fight or disagreement between people, it tends to end sooner if they have to face each other and resolve issues o live in same house...

all our lives we keep running to provide for desires of this clay body of own and selfish life ends with itself... 
if you have a good imagination try to imagine self as a plant in room with all of its needs met... it flourishes, gives fruits, flowers then eventually life span is over and it dies ... 
life source it has given to others in shape of smiles it given in shape of colors of flowers and energy it given to others in shape of fruit..
now others carry it till they forward their life source to others...!

a balance is needed in our lives to maintain life's value... else this ball of planet earth we call home, will fall out of balance

I live in this fully automated mobile home where there is this generation for energy, which uses organic fuels and waste that has been treated by a hot composting process can safely be used to improve the soil for food crops.
got air exchange system for fresh air to come in and exhaust the old,
there are two cameras to give me full view of outside and sound sensors that catch any sound in surroundings and for responding to anyone it has this two way communication system, weather sensors to tell me temperature and intelligent learning chip for happenings.
surface paint is fully water resistance.
this house is made of material full of interactive sensors and respondent totally environment 
friendly recyclable material...

Basically a self-learning mater that interacts fully for its upgrading and keeping up.

I myself a soul that is habitat of this clay house others call body.

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