Friday, February 20, 2015

Page 7: Gods of System & Religion of Pharaoh

Page 7: Gods of System & Religion of Pharaoh 

You just have to check own acts if you are in line of those selfish people or not...
a doctor (M.B.B.S.) and above... most of pharmaceutical companies have their representatives going to doctor's office, private clinics, private hospitals, government hospitals and informing doctors about their medicines and  asking them to write their medicine as prescription.
They are given gifts, taken to lunches and other things in return and some doctors even keep a time duration that they are going to prescribe a medicine of a company then rep of company has to revisit...

these representatives salaries and those lunches and gifts all are coming from the sick..
doctors who take oath before their degree to save a human life have actually become dealers
of pain and diseases.

While they are given such a high level of spotlight in all over the world and society..
that even laws are made and masses are controlled and punished with help of this profession.
in United States which is called biggest democratic country and statue of freedom stands as
a symbol...

thousands of citizens are fined and jailed through food and drugs administration department
with laws under medical terms..
For example seat belt in your car.. if you do not wear it then you will be fined..
but how the act which only affects me or my life becomes something which is controllable
or even I could be fined for ??

simple answer is at first they keep on advertising that according to doctors seat belt saved this many lives, and no one pays attention and then signs are put up seat belt saves lives and next thing you know it became law o wear a seat belt.
Second example is little deep to understand but I will try to explain as I see...before making your mind one should read whole explanation.
Food and drug administration is to regulate food and drugs... when you read the word "drug" all of sudden you think of illegal drugs, but no it means all prescribed drugs...
Whatever medicine needs a doctor's prescription it is a control substance...
at first when i use to see snoop doggy dog(singer) having these bags of marijuana and smoking in front of camera and then in his videos then i use to think that he is got guts...
but then i read laws that explained how the US government had taken medical and used against Americans...

Now a days in many states marijuana is getting approved for medicinal use and it is getting sold in stores and a little while back it was a control substance and illegal drug.
So what is story behind snoop doggy dog smoking in front of cameras and now it getting sold in stores?
What changed from people going to jail and courts turning down any plead where any one said it is in my religion or it is what I want do as my freedom right to smoke away?
So here is story that Shakels say...

In the early 20th Century, many countries had alcohol prohibition. These include The United States (1920–1933), Finland (1919–1932), Norway (1916–1927), Canada (1901–1948), Iceland (1915–1922) and the Russian Empire/USSR (1914–1925).The first modern law in Europe for the regulating of drugs was the Pharmacy Act 1868 in the United Kingdom.
 authorities have often restricted drugs' possession and trade for a variety of POLITICAL and religious reasons. In the 20th century, the United States led a major renewed surge in drug prohibition called the "WAR ON DRUGS". Today's War on Drugs is particularly motivated by the desire to prevent drug use, which is perceived as detrimental to society, but it may have some other motives as i will explain later.

Britain also passed the All-India Opium Act of 1878, which similarly formalized social distinctions, by limiting recreational opium sales to registered Indian opium-eaters and Chinese opium-smokers and prohibiting its sale to workers from Burma.[12]
Following passage of a regional law in 1895, Australia's Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897 addressed opium addiction among Aborigines, though it soon became a general vehicle for depriving them of basic rights by administrative regulation. Opium sale was prohibited to the general population in 1905, and smoking and possession was prohibited in 1908

In the United States, the first drug law was passed in San Francisco in 1875, banning the smoking of opium in opium dens. The reason cited was "many women and young girls, as well as young men of respectable family. When all of sudden America decided to declare all the drugs and alcohol illegal?
alcohol became a war between mafias of time and government decided to sell that in stores itself but keep all other drugs illegal. Governments regulate the manufacture, distribution, marketing, sale and use of certain drugs, for instance through a prescription system. .
Hundreds of thousands of American were thrown in jail over time but it took marijuana to understand how legal become illegal and illegal becomes legal and freedom become slavery and slavery becomes freedom..
Lawyers knew it, judges knew it, then how could law maker not know it? what they had done to take away freedom from Americans ...if someone who did not know was the Americans who had lost their rights to this medical God created by a Shakel.When we saw snoop doggy dog smoking weed in front of camera and showing those bags it was because he had a prescription...
A doctor could write that prescription upon a patient saying to doctor that I get headaches and i become angry and I get body aches but when I smoke marijuana I get better..
and not only he could smoke but he also helped law makers in a way that marijuana is medically helpful in these symptoms...
Before passing it as medicinal used they had to have a study showing that it was tested on so and so many objects and it is used for this medical purpose..
until they had done that if marijuana was not accepted as any medical use or any medical purpose then we surely know it is not food, so food and drug administration authority could not regulate it because it was not medically accepted drug and food or FDA have only jurisdiction over things that are medically accepted to be controlled by a prescription as to be called controlled substance and food. Many governments levy a sin tax on alcohol and tobacco products, and restrict alcohol and tobacco from sales or gifts to minors.
I wonder what disease is cocaine for?
it was need of law makers to have this accepted as medicinal use so all those hundreds of thousands of American who they had jailed over decades could never come back and challenge wrongfully accused and jailed and demand compensation for time and money that was confiscated by police or lives that they had destroyed while trying to take away freedom.
Cigarettes you can buy with a warning that you may have cancer or you may die but as long as taxes flow in government's pocket ...hell with you, it is your freedom smoke away as you have been warned.

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