My Poetry



For it what will you sacrifice? 


Nothing is free in this world everything has a price?

Peace in your heart or bloody war is your choice?



Bet on humanity! We already done that twice(WW-I & II)


What have your learnt from what your have burnt?
Where are we headed are you little bit concerned?

Without a choice I came to this earth
I been witnessing hate since my birth

I have seen dog growling then I have seen them fight

Also have seen human howling then doing same in day light

Seen peace maker arrange to break the peace
Seen wrong change to right for small fees

Opps I forgot but than I realized
These are rules of world which is civilized

I am just a animal sitting in a cage
I am still same caveman from the old age

I am still wondering about tomorrow, what will happen?
While to kill each other you choose your weapon
Use to be rocks now you have got rockets

To kill each other you carry guns in your pockets

Museums are filled with old guns and swards
To kill each other you push buttons when you are bored

When all I am trying to do is to live and breath
I have rights too I thought we already agreed!

Lonely Road

When the whole sky was red blooded and blood had all the sea flooded
After it brought in a tide, Clouds gave a place for moon to hide
Quietly in dark it slowly left my side, to me, my own shadow even lied
Darkness was creeping up fast, Path to home was even lost at Last

Before I could get to end of my rope, I saw shining light of hope
Just to keep myself as a whole, I would have paid life as toll
Insight I kept my goal and followed my heart guided by the soul
All day that I was lost in gone finally at night I found my way to home 
 Before I could get to end of my rope, I saw shining light of hope
Just to keep myself as a whole, I would have paid life as toll
Insight I kept my goal and followed my heart guided by the soul
All day that I was lost in gone finally at night I found my way to home 


Freedom of Words...............


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